For some people, staying organized is very easy. For me, it is something that did not come naturally and I had to work at. There are many resources available online with tips and tricks on how to stay organized, but I've found the best way to do so is by learning successful tricks from someone who works similarly to you. What do I mean by this?
We all have different personality types. Some things that may work for someone may not work for others because our brains operate differently. Have you ever taken a personality test before? My first job out of college, we were required to take one, and it was one of the best things I could have done. It taught me how to be more productive based on how my brain works.
My personality type is a mix of Expressive and Driver. I've also heard some people call it: Type A, Achiever, Red & Green, etc. If you don't know your personality type, google "Personality Tests" and try taking one.
So, what is my point to all this? Staying organized is more than just buying a few tools and hoping it works it. It's about learning your strengths and weaknesses to accomplish the big + little things.
If you relate to my personality type, and/or want to learn more about how I stay organized, I am excited to share the different tools and changes I've made to my lifestyle to manage the chaos!
Write everything down
When I start my day at the office, I usually begin to think of all the things I need to get done... and I never know where to start. Before letting myself feel overwhelmed, I grab my notebook and write down a list of all the tasks. It's essentially a huge brain dump. Once everything is written, I go through and put numbers next to tasks to prioritize which ones are most important to complete (time sensitive), and which ones I can completed quickly. Once a task is completed, I cross it off (I always create my lists by hand because I love crossing off tasks with my pen). Throughout the day I continue to add and cross off items and it helps me stay on track!
Use a planner designed for how you work
There are a ton of great planners available to purchase online, but what good is a planner if you use it a few times and forget about it? Before purchasing my latest planner, I reached out to my IG followers and asked what kind of planners they would are the most recommended planners:
I looked at all of them and realized I needed a planner that was perfect for creating lists and daily, weekly and monthly goals. I also wanted a planner that I could customize as much as possible to utilize all the features (for example, I didn't want a planner that had an address book section because I don't write down any addresses). I ended up purchasing an Erin Condren planner and have been LOVING it. This planner had the most customizable features and I loved their selection of covers. When I write in my planner, I write down everything I want to accomplish for the day (just like I mentioned in the section above), and keep adding to it during the day. As I accomplish tasks, I cross them off. Some tasks I have due dates of, I will write it down for that specific date. By the end of the day/week/month, I feel good seeing how much I achieved.
Here is my planner from Erin Condren (I customized my cover):
Some of my favorite planner styles right now:
Block time throughout the day to get sh*t done
When I start booking appointments during the day with clients, I make sure to book at least 60 minutes for myself. If I can't get 60 minutes for myself, I'll book a couple of 30 minute breaks between meetings. This helps me time manage my day because I'm giving myself dedicated time to get sh*t DONE. I've learned that if I do this, I don't end up staying late at work because I am working more efficiently during the day.
Stay hydrated. All day.
OK, I know this is a little health-freak of me to say but... I started leaving a water bottle w/ a reusable straw at work to force me to drink water throughout the day. If I don't drink water throughout the day, I notice I get more stressed and anxious about my workload. It's the brain fuel I need to keep me confident and work as fast as possible. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll throw some mint leaves or lemon in the water for flavor. It sounds so simple and odd, but I dare you to try and see how it makes an impact on your day by staying hydrated.
Monthly calendars help visualize plans...and make cute decor
For my weekend plans, vacations, and all my blogging tasks, I purchased an acrylic calendar to show a monthly view of everything. I absolutely love it, and it has helped me tremendously to visualize all the things coming up. I still need to find a place to put it in our new apartment because it's so big! Sharing some other acrylic calendars:
What are some tricks you use to stay organized?