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The Perfect Holiday Dessert: Hot Cocoa Charcuterie Board

New York City just got a foot of snow, and it's the second time I've been in the city with this much snow. Last time I think was 2017, but it didn't last long. I'm hoping this snow fall sticks because I haven't had a white Christmas in awhile! For Christmas this year, I am planning to go spend Christmas Eve + day with my family in Massachusetts, and Dan will be doing the same with his family in Maryland. This is going to be our last Christmas apart before we are married! Crazy!

Anyways, I had the day off yesterday and decided it would be fun to try creating my own hot cocoa charcuterie board. If you look up charcuterie, it means: "a delicatessen specializing in dressed meats and meat dishes". Obviously the board I created isn't meats, but trade that in for hot chocolate toppings and here we are! This was an easy idea to put together, and it's perfect for a snow day at home, or spending time with family for Christmas festivities. My family loves to watch Christmas movies all together on Christmas Eve + Day, so I may make this board again for them to enjoy this holiday.

Here is what I used to create mine:

What do you think? What are your favorite holiday or snow day treats?


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