The city has been freezing lately! With restaurant capacity restrictions due to COVID, we have been sitting outside for meals at our favorite restaurants...in the cold. Not going to lie, sometimes it gets so cold we eat fast, pay the check and rush home to warm up. It can get unbearable. BUT, when the temperature is bearable, we can sit comfortably outside and support our favorite restaurants.
My go-to outfit for my ~ideal~ outdoor winter dining has been a sweatshirt with a flannel on top. Once you sit down to eat, I like to take my big winter coat off, so the flannel + sweatshirt is perfect to stay warm!
I have rounded up my favorite items from Amazon for staying warm this season, especially for those enjoying NYC outdoor dining (like us). I also added in my favorite LL Bean flannel coat (unfortunately not on Amazon, but worth the splurge if you want something long term). All the items, I own myself and highly recommend (except the flannel leggings, but I want them and have them in my shopping cart ready to purchase). Everything is linked in the photo below!
Here are some photo snippets of the different outfits I've created with the flannels to stay warm.

What's your favorite outdoor dining outfit in the winter this season?