WHAT I LIKE: Valentine's Day Gifts
I want to start a new series on my blog called "WHAT I LIKE". This will be a spot for me to share (literally) what styles, trends and...

Last Minute Holiday Gifts from Amazon!
Dan and I are back home from our big honeymoon trip, and I can't wait to share more about the experience on my blog. Before we are able...

Amazon Fashion: Staying Warm
The city has been freezing lately! With restaurant capacity restrictions due to COVID, we have been sitting outside for meals at our...

Latest Obsession: Biker Shorts
Helloooo friends! It's been a month since I posted on my website! I've been busy starting my new job, getting back into a NYC routine and...

DIY: Bleach Tie-Dye
My Tie-Dye obsession continues! I've been experimenting with Bleach Tie-Dye on light colors to create a light mixture of pastels and...